How to create max potency with gear
1. Easy way to get 1 potency out of each gear is make sure they are your level.
say if you have a very good piece of equipment you can use a violet stone on it to upgrade the equipment to the next best equipment. (warning! violets stones can fail. super violets do not)
2. A Crucial thing to no before creating gears from this point forwards is to NOT use refined or unique. you may be asking why. Well let me make it simple to make a unique elite it costs minimum 1 red stone. 1 red stone costs 60-80ep (and there is still a chance at failing) a elite item costs 5-10ep a unique item costs 2-3ep. as you can see it is not worth upgrading your unique equipments with reds.
3. when choosing a good base model gear to start making superior gears i would choose an elite(+12) 1 soc gear. the reason why is they are relatively cheep and save lots of ep/money in the long run. (exclude this for weapon)
4.Many ask what are (+?) by equipments for. its quit easily if all your gears have that plus beside them the the lowest plus will be how much bonus pontency you get from your gear.
Example. if my sword, necklace, bracelet, armour, boots were all elite (+12) and my helmet elite (+9) i would get 9 bonus potency because it is the lowest number. now if they were all (+12) i would get plus 12 potency.
5.for weapons i would suggest just buying a super (+12) 2 soc weapon due to the fact you can get them on most server for as cheep as 1200ep. this saves you lots!!!
6. When choosing what gem to put in a socket for superior gears it looks like this. put Super ambers in necklace, braclet, boots and weapon. Suber Beryls in armour and helmet.
7. Why add sockets.? sockets add 1 potency for each socket and allow you to add gems that add potency.
8. Super gems no mater which gem automatically add 1 potency
for being super.
9. to add bonuses to equipment +1 - +9 = super yellow stones +10 - +12 you must use regular yellow stones
How to make?
super violet stone (takes 15 violet stones)
Super yellow stone (takes 30 yellow stones)
Super Red stone (takes 20 red stones)
Super Amber (takes 300 normal ambers)
Super Beryl (takes 300 normal beryls)
take elite +12 boots 1 soc and socket a super amber in it. now take a super red and use the super red. now you have a super (+12) 1soc super amber set of boote. next use a Super moon box (bought in shoping mall) now socket another super amber in to it. the cost to make this gear is
elite +12 boots = 300ep
Super red = 1200ep
Super ambers = 2400x2=4800
Super Moon Box = 8280
Total = 14 580
(do this procedure for all your gears but weapon. and for armour and helm substitute Super amber for Super beryls)
if you need any help feel free to ask thanks
AS ast the current prices for elite +12 soc items on londen are
elite +12 boots 275-300ep
elite +12 braclet 275-300ep
elite +12 armour 275-300ep
elite +12 necklace 900-1100ep
elite +12 helmet 1500-1800ep
Super +12 sword or staff 2soc 1350-1500ep
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