Jin Online guild and hint
jin composing :
Main Attribute :- sume jin bleh compos sini kecuali jin jenis saint..
*Min M-atk GR
*Max M-atk GR
*P-def GR
Sub Attribute :- sume jin pun boleh..
*Min P-atk GR
*Max P-atk GR
*M-def GR
Ini Attribute :- sume jin pun boleh..
*Ini HP
*Ini Min P-atk
*Ini Max P-atk
*Ini P-def
*Ini Min M-atk
*Ini Max M-atk
*Ini M-def
Luck :- sume jin pun boleh..
contoh nak tambah luck jin :
*luck jin utama (90L) + luck jin minor (103L) nasib jin minor kene melebihi jin utama = 98 atau 100 Luck
Luck improve :- sume jin pun boleh..
*keperluan : violet stone / super violet stone..
nilai Luck jin yg tinggi memerlukan vio atau super vio untuk *menambah Luck jin..
*jin akan menjadi lvl 1 setelah compos ngan vio /super vio menandakan composing Luck improve telah berjaya!!
Orb komposing
kesimpulan yang aku boleh kata..
1) korang kena ada byk EP.
2) compose uniO sebanyak mungkin
3) Paling bagus utk *40 dan keatas.. bawah daripada tu sangat rugi kalo compose
4) Max compose pun boleh pergi *10.. jadi sesiapa yang ada jin * tinggi sangat untung.
Kayu balak hint
Harga dan jenis muatan kayu balak
1000 kayu balak
2000 kayu balak
5000 kayu balak
10000 kayu balak
Ini adalah peta untuk penghantaran kayu balak
misty marsh
gobi desert
dark marsh
The BIG Boss Hunting Guide - Revision 1
OK so, some of you already know how to hunt for loot from bosses so this guide is not for you. This guide is to help those who are not very good at boss hunting, or do not have much luck with the method they choose to try.
The method I am going to explain here is a combination of various sources of information, which after being tried and tested vigorously, seems to work rather well for getting mountains of rare loot. I am not professing that this is the ONLY way of doing it, nor am I suggesting that my method is 100% flawless.
So here we go:
The Hunt
Firstly pick an area to hunt at. This can be "forced" upon you if you only have higer level eudemon pets, as this is a critical part of boss hunting (as I will explain in more detail soon).
Usually the best thing to do is to go to your favourite hunting grounds. I usually go to Icyland as I just like the atmosphere of the area. What you need to do on arrival is simply check out the population of the area... in other words are there LOTS of opther players around? or perhaps hardly any at all? The fewer players the better... this increases your chances of finding and successfully slaying a boss without interruption.
So, you have picked your hunting area? There are not many other players around? GOOD! Lets move on shall we?
Locating the Boss(es)
As you will know, boss creatures have a typical "spawn area" which they will appear at or around, approximately once per hour.
This will give you the approximnate coordinates where you may find boss creatures, though I suggest looking at and around these areas as the bosses do not spawn directly on the coordinates most of the time... they tend to be a screen or two in any direction of the spawn coordinates. After a bit of practice at hunting your favourite bosses, you will find them more easily.
Will the Boss drop loot?
Here is the assessment of the situation... so you have found a boss in a secluded map area... you are ready for the kill! But wait!
Here are a few things you need to make sure are correct before proceeding.
1. It is critical to make sure you DO NOT ATTACK THE BOSS WITH YOUR CHARACTER! Do not attack it, not even 1 time... this can ruin the whole exercise.
2. You must make sure that you have a eudemon pet in your bag, which is at least 3 levels below that of the boss creature, but no less than half of the boss creatures level.
IE If you are hunting a level 93 orc, (for best result) your pet needs to be between (93/2=46.5 (rounded up) 47) 47 and 90.
3. It also helps to take a longer time to kill the boss, so using some pets with low attack will also help, but it is not always critical.
4. If there are other mobs around, try to lure the boss away to a seculded section of the map. This will help you to keep your "boss killing pet" from dying easily, as well as take you away from any players that might wander past.
If all of these criteria are met, then the boss will drop good piles of loot around 95% of the time according to my testing!
What bosses drop the BEST loot?
OK so you killed your fist boss and it dropped a bundh of yellow stones and some refined junk? Well there is one more thing to know about to get the best loot.
Each kind of boss has at least 3 level breackets... The lowest level bracket being "refined", the second being "unique" and the last being "elite". Some bosses have a fouth level (like the Genasi), and some only have 1 (like Scopions).
So, to get the best loot... you will hunt the highest leveled boss in its bracket. For example the Orcs in Icyland, come in three levels... level 91, 92 and 93. Level 93 orcs will always drop elite items and are the best level for redstones. This does not mean that it will ALWAYS drop items, it just means that if it DOES drop items, they will always be elite.
I find that Redstone will tend to be most common from the highest level boss, but can also be found occasionally from the middle level boss, and very rarely (I've gotten 1 out of 50 attempts) from the loewst level bosses.
The Re-cap
So here we go-
1. Check to make sure nobody else is around (or as little as possible)
2. Lure away boss from spawn areas of other mobs
3. Do not attack boss with your character
4. Use a low attack pet, leveled between (boss level / 2 (rounded up)) and (boss level - 3)
My experience using this method often goes like this-
I go to Icyland, and kill 2 or 3 orc bosses (I try to get the level 93 ones) and then I end up going back to town with an inventory composed of the follwing items in a typical 3 boss hunt:
1-2 redstones
3-6 violet stones
5-8 yellow stones
15-20+ elite items
This is my "typical" haul from using the steps shown above. Good luck
Tips untuk permain baru
Untuk pengetahuan semua pemain baru. sebaik sahaja kamu memasuki permainan. kamu diberi hadiah percuma iaitu beg newbie guide. right klik pada beg tersebut untuk membuka menu newbie. Pilih dialog pertama untuk mendapatkan Cahaya Suci*.
Kebaikan Cahaya Suci
1. Mendapat bonus exp sebanyak 20% ketika leveling.
2. Mendapat buff double exp sejam setiap hari (berjumpa dengan NPC sodar).
3. Hidup kembali di tempat yang karakter anda mati.
4. Dapat menggunakan Offline Training.
5. Dapat membeli barang daripada NPC dengan harga diskaun dan menjual barang dengan harga yang tinggi.
Level: 1~17
Location: Cronus Monsters.
Equipment: Just ur starters outfit till lvl 15, buy new swords/staffs.
Quests: Gaby and the Forging Problem.
Rewards: Lot of exp, Refined Weapon/Armor(dont know exactly)
Eudemons: Starters. Evolve when level 20.(if ur a mage it will be two mage atk defs or if ur a warrior it will be two warrior atk defs.)
Level: 17~35
Location: Misty Marsh Monsters.
Where can u find Misty Marsh? Outside Elven City, To get there take the teleporter.
Equipment: At each level which u can buy equipment, Spare for it, When u reached the level buy it.
Quests: Forge (Level 30): Problem of Quartermaster
Rewards: 4000000 EXP and 56,000 gold, In total.
Which monster to train on which lvl:
Green Devils: 16/17 to 24
Eyeballs: 23/24 to 26
Banshee’s: 25/26 to 30
Ogres: 30 to 35
Lets move on to the most famous pk city and a absolutely must lvl up place for noobs:
Gobi Desert is a famous PK city. So watch out for them. U can NOT get pked till 35
BigFang: 35 to 40/42
Golems: 40/42 to 55
Ghost Knights/Wyverns: 55 till 60
You may be wondering why that long golems and ghost knights and wyverns?
Well because they will train good. And because they got good drops.
Quests:Compose (Level 50): Sax`s Complot, Mentor (Level 50): Shelley`s Lost Documents.
Rewards: Sax?s Complot: 25000000 EXP and 50000 gold.
Shelly?s Documents:25400000 EXP, 100000 Gold
By this time u should be able to compose ur pets as well to get them to a higer star which leads to extra pot. Plus u can get gifts on ur pets which give extra pot or town gift (ports u back to the town ur in.) and random gift(randoms u anywere in the map.)
Dark Marsh!
Tyrogle: 60-65(only go to dark marsh if its needed)
Ghosts: 65-70
Ghost Knights: 65-70
Warlocks: 70 to 75
At this stage lvling will be hard.
So i suggest u to get some unique/elite armor and weapons. And of course some good defence eudemons.
Fishdemon: 70-75
Dinothere: 75-78
Axdemons: 75-80
Quests: Yes there are 2 last missions: Iron Medal Prize: Stop The Duel,
Iron Medal
Iron Medal Quest: Iron Medal
Stop the duel: 1 million gold, best gold quest.
We will travel... travel to the coldest place of the world....
Icy Land!
IceOrc: 75(If u have good defence) - 85
The thing i did that. its the best way, And. Go to the Adventure Zone. More monsters means more exp.
Quests? There is 1 quest which you can repeat! Yay for repeat!
Its called Snipe, U have to kill a certain monsters at a certain map.
And last but not least:
Lost Land and Cata Maze!
All: 80~110. 120 Pot or higher is needed.
The gold to get in Lost Land is 200.000 Gold.
CataMaze u will be needing 500.000 gold to get in.
And the gold and exp is rich. Always go with a team for good exp.
nanti kalo ade info baru aku update lagi k...
i hope u all can leave comment for improve my blog.. if got wrong spelling.. im say sorry...
Quests: Gaby and the Forging Problem.
Tips : Macam mana nak seatlekan problem dia ni .. Berkali aku cuba tapi x seatle2 jugak.. Aku x paham apemenda dia nak sebenarnya...
main game tu nak dapat level 100 susah tak??
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