guild to make legion.
JIN ONLINE GUILD : guild to make legion
-lvl 50
I was in a legion before my current one with my wife. There was me,my bro, and coussin(me and bro with 300ish pot, cuz with 250) With a good 2.5 months we managed to pull off 56ppl,level4,25potency. and we had a dep spot,2secretaries and my aide(I was dep,bro was leader, cuz was other dep) opened. In this games, legion can + many potency for your charecter.
Im kinda depressed seein all these unsuccessful legions everywhere so I decidded to offer a helping hand.
This should be obvious but I have had noobs ask me how to get potency in their legion. the top 8 eudemons of the top 8 totems provide pot(8x8=64,64=max pot) those euds must havea star rank to provide pot.)
When you make a legion you should always consider the fact that it will cost likely 100mil at least of your own gold to get it started.
Find at least some buds who will join your legion(best ask before making leigon)
Have a general requirements for newcomers(ussually around lvl 70 when they can start registering euds) If you were to have alot of people but their all weak, high lvl legions may see you as a target for their own contributation gain.
Sometimes even for a weak reason High level legions will enemy you and tell you to kick a member who caused the trouble. If you can survive against their legion(be able to at least take out some of their commoners or maybe captains) I reccomend that you fight for that member if he's one of your buds, hes one of the loyal ones. Doesn't really matter if the noobs leave.
Make sure you open the utmost required totems, decide if you want that totem for pot, or for leveling, though 5,000,000 each totem may not seem like much it rises exponentially!! Wsper your members to see what they have if you have to to help you decide which totems to open.
I also recomend trying to hit level 4 asap,then work more on potency(BP) from there, because at level four, captain spots open up, which will encourage more people to donate to get captain(70% of max pot)
About PK and KS: your choice whether you want your legion to be able to or not, i reccomend that if you allow them to, only allow them to pk noobs(NOT MANNEQUINS) or small legions to prevent your legion from much trouble.
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